Jai Devi temple, Sunder Nagar, in Suket

Jaidevi temple is situated in Jaidevi village at Kaulghard of Suket State, which is famous for its miracles and beliefs. Jai Devi Bhagwati is the family goddess of many casts, but Brahmins (Gautam and more Gautra) and Sen Families are the major; they come ...

By Naman

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Jaidevi temple is situated in Jaidevi village at Kaulghard of Suket State, which is famous for its miracles and beliefs. Jai Devi Bhagwati is the family goddess of many casts, but Brahmins (Gautam and more Gautra) and Sen Families are the major; they come with Sen Rajas from east Bengal who perform the hair-cutting ceremony in her temple. The Raja also offers a silver eye to the goddess.

History of Jaidevi Mandir

This temple stands at Jaidevi, about seven miles from the JaiDevi to the capital. The goddess is the family goddess of the rulers of Suket and is worshipped on the occasion of birth, hair-cutting, and marriage ceremonies.

Source: Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal

History of Jaidevi temple

The family goddess or hut devi of the Rajas of Suket is at Jaidevi, which is about 8 miles from Sundarnagar. All religious ceremonies in the royal family, e.g., Jarolan (the hair-cutting ceremony), zanarbandi (the ceremony of investment with the sacred thread), etc., are performed at Jaidevi in the temple of the goddess. The Raja goes in a procession to the temple and offers bhel to the goddess on the occasion of these ceremonies.

Source: A Gazetteer Of The Suket State

Culture of Devi in Suket State

Closely connected with the worship of Shiv and far more widely spread is that of his consort, Devi. The goddess goes by many names—Durga, Kali, Gauri, Asuri, Parbati, Kalki, Maliesri Bhiwani, Asht-bhoji, and numerous others. According to the Hindu Shastras, there are nine crores of Durgas, each with a separate name. The humbler divinities, Sitla, the goddess of smallpox, Masani, and other goddesses of disease, are but manifestations of the same goddess. She is called Mahadevi, the great goddess; Maharani, the great queen; and Devi Mai or Devi Mata, the goddess-mother. She is known for the places of her temples as Jaidevi. Devi is a popular object of veneration all over the Suket State.

Source: A Gazetteer Of The Suket State

Final word

In the 20th century, Jai Devi temple was situated in Jaidevi village in Sunder Nagar Tehsil, Mandi district, Himachal Pradesh. The Jaidevi temple is famous; the devi is also known as Kamaksha nowadays. The devi is also known as jai devi mata, kuldevi, mahamaya, jai devi mai, and others.

Jaidevi History of Jaidevi Mandir

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not a professional historian or writer, but I actively read books, news, and magazines to enhance my article writing skills

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